
The Czechoslovak Kindertransport 1939

The Czech and Slovak Embassies are hosting an educational and social gathering to commemorate the 85th anniversary of the Czechoslovak Kindertransport.

The Czech and Slovak Embassies are hosting an educational and social gathering to commemorate the 85th anniversary of the Czechoslovak Kindertransport.

Date: 18 SeptemberTime: 12:30 pm - 4:30 pmVenue: Czech Embassy, 26-30 Kensington Palace Gardens, London, W8 4QY 

This gathering is an opportunity for Czech Kinder, descendants, researchers, and the general public to come together and hear about the movement of unaccompanied children from Czechoslovakia to Britain in 1939. Descendants will be able to share their stories, experiences and ask questions.

Come and learn the fascinating details about the CZ-SK Kindertransport, new memorials, and related present-day response to the refugee crisis.

The first part is open to the general public; all are welcome.

Afternoon programme for general public (subject to change)


Nicholas Winton Foundation: purposes and website

The Czech Kindertransport and the Czech Refugee Trust Fund

Czech Kindertransport Memorials and Public Places

Memorial to Barbara Winton and UK Responsive Refugee Efforts

Panel Discussions:

Czech Kindertransport Organisers and Rescuers

Response to the Czech Kindertransport in the Czech and Slovak Republics

Second Generation: Letters, Photos, Stolperstein and Plenary Discussion


This will be followed in the evening by a piano concert, by descendants of Kindertransportee Jiri Frank Lechner, in memory of the parents who let their children go, and a reception, from 5:30 pm to around 8 pm, allowing plenty of time to socialise.

To receive an invitation to the afternoon and evening programme, please register your interest on Eventbrite.

Invitations will be sent out from the Embassy directly to the registered individuals.

Organising Committee: Anita H. Grosz (Second Generation Network), Steve Watson and Laurence Watson (the Winton Foundation), Lady Milena Grenfell-Baines, Robin Young.

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